A New Day In A New World

The warping process felt like a portion of time had been devoured by darkness.

When Lin Sanjiu opened her eyes, she saw a ceiling and wondered if she had just fallen into a deep slumber after all.

Her nose had picked up some strange odor that laced the air. It smelled like a mixture of sweat and blood, a musky stench as if the furniture had not been touched by the sun for a long time. It was this odd stench that made Lin Sanjiu realize that she had arrived in a new world.

The room was dark with only a faint light and a little noise phased out occasionally somewhere.

Lin Sanjiu adjusted to the darkness with a few hard blinks before standing up to look for Ji Shanqing. When she swept a glance across the room and found Ji Shanqing laying beside her along with her [Tape Recorder], her racing heart finally slowed down a little bit as she let out a sigh of relief.