Ji Shanqing’s POV 2

When Ji Shanqing ran down the stairs, he could hear Lin Sanjiu shouting heatedly as if she was on the verge of hysteria, "Don't come near me!"

He couldn't help but stop. In his impression, his owner's voice didn't even sound like that before. Lin Sanjiu's screams, peals of laughter, cries, and mumbles reverberated through the empty apartment unit. The noise probably startled quite a few people living a floor above and below where she was. Amidst Lin Sanjiu's unintelligible and psychotic ramblings, Ji Shanqing soon heard the dull sound of a person ramming herself against the walls...

Ji Shanqing gnashed his teeth, he steeled himself and stopped himself from turning back. As he ran down the stairs, the noise grew softer and softer. The last sentence he heard Lin Sanjiu said was a surprised and joyful exclamation: "Fang Dan? Why are you here?"

She probably saw someone she knew this time.

Ji Shanqing sighed and quickly reached the ground floor.