A Good Dog is Good in Fetching

Game rules: 

1) The entire district is the playing field. A total of five color balls had been hidden somewhere in the neighborhood. 

2) The player who found the most color balls within three minutes won the game.

It seemed simple from the rules alone but looking from a grander scale, the entire neighborhood had nine apartment buildings which meant that there were a lot of apartment units.

Under the condition that hints were not given, it was impossible to look for a teeny-weeny colored ball hidden amongst the thousands of apartment units. It was like digging for a needle in a haystack, and it would take days to find all the color balls.

When the thought crossed his mind, Fatty's mouth curled up.

Even he himself couldn't explain how he had gotten the TV screen Evolving Ability, but since it was his ability, it would undoubtedly give him the best advantage.