The Seeds Must Be Well-watered During The Seed Stage 4

Even though Lin Sanjiu groused over the fact that the hints she had gotten were too vague, she had a strong inkling why the people in the hallucinations always choose to speak ambiguously—

This was because she had not fully understood the situation.

The people who appeared as her hallucinations were just hallucinations. They were different from the Nüwa that appeared when she used her [Consciousness Mimicry]. These people were just part of Lin Sanjiu's thought process. For example, Rena shouldn't know about the double chromosphere but she provided her the hint about them. Fang Dan died long ago, but she managed to warn her about the Jaegers. In other words, this information came from Lin Sanjiu's subconsciousness, but it was appearing to her in another form. Simply put, unless she worked out the situation, her hallucinations wouldn't be able to explain anything properly to her.