A Comeback!

As soon as those words were spoken, two figures dashed towards the other two doors on the other side of the hall. Standing with her arms folded together, Lin Sanjiu cast Number 42 a sidelong glance before joining the group.

Number 42 was the last person to move; his face was stoic as if it was a thousand years granite.


No sooner had Number 44 and Number 47 arrived at the second chamber did the voice of Number 44, which sat on a higher pitch range compared to most males, resonated from the passageway, "The structure here is similar to the previous chamber, but there's nothing here!"

Lin Sanjiu was stunned.

"The third chamber is empty too!" Another person chimed in from the third chamber.

Suddenly, everybody focused their gazes on Lin Sanjiu. Maintaining a rather safe distance between Lin Sanjiu and himself, Number 42 uttered a cold laugh.