Excavating is A Great Skill to Have

"Where did you hear that name?" Lin Sanjiu asked, her face was filled with surprise. Never had she imagined she would hear the words "Head of College" again after she went to a new world.

"I can't tell you exactly where I heard it," Number 47 flattened the creases on his trench coat as his reticent expression remained on his face, "When we were looking for the water droplets in the first chamber, I went over to another cubicle after I finished searching my zone. When I was on the move, I overheard somebody whispering above me. They were very cautious so their voice was very light, and even though, I kept my ears open, all I heard were the words Head of College."

"What nonsense," Number 43 mumbled, "Who on earth still has the mood to address people by title when we are racing against time?"

Lin Sanjiu frowned but she didn't make any remarks. The "Head of College" Number 47 had overhead about might be the one she almost bumped into on Red Nautilus.