The First Unexpected Casualty

The large two-story tall beetle towered over Lin Sanjiu and slowly lowered its body. As his target, Lin Sanjiu felt that this scene was enough to give her nightmares for the next few days. This time, Number 43 spoke to the beetle before she did. Even as her own speaking time trickled away, she knew very well that the beetle did not listen to a word she said.

Lin Sanjiu did not know whether the beetle could actually smell. It stuck out one of its furry legs and waved it near the side of one of her ears, stirring up a breeze. After that, she heard sniffing sounds coming from the insect's flat humanoid face.

"So, Number 46 was right," the beetle withdrew his leg. He rubbed his legs together and spoke with a disappointed tone. "Oh, I didn't expect you to come up with such a tactic to avoid meeting me."