The Real Blind Alley

In the greenhouse, armed attacks were forbidden. 

"What kind of rule was that?" chided Lin Sanjiu before she turned to Baldhead, "I hope you don't mind. I just want to keep you under control."

As she spoke, she coiled the [Female Slave Bondage Rope] around Baldhead's left wrist. The [Female Slave Bondage] was no doubt a convenient weapon. It didn't fail its name as the product of technology from the Garden of Eden as it automatically formed a tight knot when the two ends of the rope met one another, "If I use too much force, it will be considered an armed attack; if I use too little, you will run away." 

Baldhead lowered his gaze to scrutinize the rope. He tried to turn his wrist a bit, but the rope instead bit deeper into his skin. He raised his head and said, "Don't worry! Say it, what do you want to know? I will tell you everything."