A True Bit-role Actor

"Before we came, there were seven people in cluster 2 and a total of four people in cluster 3. Everyone had already agreed on the plan."

Even as Lin Sanjiu swung herself up to a twig hanging above her, she could recall the discussion during the meeting between their clusters 2, 3 and 5.

"A person will still be considered a plant of a particular cluster once their number tag is removed. However, his or her absorption rate drops to 0. This is a rule we can use to our advantage. A second rule is that if everyone's absorption rate is at the same level, we can all leave the greenhouse. The absorption rate will only be judged at 7 pm on the tenth day."

When Lin Sanjiu landed, she could feel the twig beneath her feet shaking slightly. She crouched and brought her center of gravity lower and waited until the tremors gradually stopped.