
"...How good it would be if I could turn back time. I'm sure my past self would rather choose to be mauled to death by that bastard if he knew he would have to walk so much one day in the future."

The sun above them was blazing like Titan's fiery wheel in the sky. Lances of its dazzling molten-gold beams splashed on the ground, vaporizing every single water particle that hung around in the atmosphere. With every step Lin Sanjiu took, choking dust particles would be raised into the dry air. Looking ahead, the districts were as barren as a wasteland. All of the buildings, avenues, and facilities from the modern days had been reduced to mere heaps of golden-colored sand and dust that accumulated to around the height of a human's calf. Whenever somebody stepped into the sea of sand and dust, it was as if stepping in a pool of quicksand, and it demanded strenuous effort to pluck their feet out of the sand.