Although You Look Menacing, Your Brain Is Bad

"Who would've thought an actor is your soft underbelly…"

After a few seconds, he blew out a puff of smoke into the air, Qing Jiuliu then said with a low voice, as if he was sighing, "To develop this kind of ability, could it be that you would have loved to be an actor? What's so special about this career?"

"Shut up! You privileged scum!" The shorty jolted up. Had Lin Sanjiu not pressed him down, he might have lunged at Qing Jiuliu. After taking a breath, he continued to speak, albeit with great morose, "... A person who attained glory without working hard would never understand the effort we commoners have to use to achieve our dreams! Not everybody is lucky enough to be born into a family that has had generations in the spotlight, and not everybody has the fortune to be bestowed with good looks!"