Witch And Knight

Crash. The window was shattered. As the bone whip flung Ji Shanqing into the building, a shriek that would make people's heart wrench blasted from outside.

Lin Sanjiu had never heard such a cry before. Nevertheless, they were soon liberated from the bombardment of the stomach-churning shriek. It stopped abruptly as if somebody had pressed the pause button. She raised her head, and her face blanched.

The arm-sized rift was too small to contain the body of that thick glasses. His lower torso had embedded into it while his head and arms remained outside of the sky crater. From a glance, he looked like a bouquet of a flower made of flesh.

The blood and meat pulps that burst forth changed their trajectory in mid-air, shooting back to the rift, and slapped on the thick glasses' squashed body. Judging by their experience, he wouldn't last longer than three seconds.