Infinite Loop

Lin Sanjiu exchanged glances with the red panda beside her. Both of them were speechless.

At that moment, a large "item" was occupying the flight of stairs before them. It lay askew on the stairs. The three of them stared at each other in a daze for a short while.

"Me… You two… why did we suddenly change? What happened?" Ji Shanqing stammered in a vexed voice. His voice was muffled as if it was behind a layer of cloth.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the red panda and she spun twice on the same spot. She suddenly flapped her wings and lifted herself mid-air. When she landed, she found herself standing on the seat of a sofa. She ran across the sofa while Ji Shanqing yelped a few consecutive "ouches". Then, she jumped off the other end of the sofa.

Lin Sanjiu looked down at her own claws and sighed inwardly. She just verified that the sofa was indeed Ji Shanqing.