A Sofa’s Sneak Attack

Frankly speaking, a country style of the fabric which made the sofa looked way out of place beside the swimming pool of a luxurious and modern hotel. If their enemy wasn't that old lady, Ji Shanqing would probably have been discovered long ago.

Nevertheless, the old lady who was clearly quite indifferent about interior design sank into the floral sofa as she hammered her knees a few times. Quite surprising, she seemed very light. The sofa seat sunk only very slightly when she settled down and it was almost as if she was floating on the surface of the sofa.

The springs of the sofa made a strange whimpering squeak. The old lady did not mind. She lifted her two heavy eyelids and looked around her. She appeared to be very pleased with the current situation.

And, of course, Qing Jiuliu knew why the woman was so relaxed.