Worst Timing

As the blood surged into her brain, Lin Sanjiu had made her move. She extended her arm and tried to catch Qing Jiuliu, who was the nearest to her. In this heated moment, Qing Jiuliu and the grand prize finally realized that something was wrong, and they jerked up in bed.

Just when Lin Sanjiu almost touched Qing Jiuliu's arm, the latter had grabbed her hand first. In the next second, Lin Sanjiu felt her arm turning cold: Qing Jiuliu had activated his ability.

Vertigo struck her hard, and before she fell to the ground, she yelled to Qing Jiuliu at the top of her lung, "It's me!"

From their perspective, Lin Sanjiu had been lying with them on the bed. It was no surprise that Qing Jiuliu would suddenly turn hostile when he saw a dark figure standing next to him.

Lin Sanjiu could feel her blood flow speed up by degrees as Qing Jiuliu slackened his grip. Fighting against the throbbing dizziness, Lin Sanjiu summoned her [Ability Polishing Agent] to her hand.