The City Of Ants

The ground beneath their feet quaked with every step the massive crowd of duoluozhong took. They were gaining fast on them, and each of their falling steps felt as if they were trampling her heart, causing her to be fraught with utter despair.

"Oh my god, oh my god! They are gaining on us! Sis', you have to go faster!" The grand prize howled incessantly on Lin Sanjiu's shoulder, but his voice was soon engulfed by the sandstorm and drowned out by the loud rumbling. Thousands upon thousands of feet hit the ground, raising a choking cloud of sand that shrouded the sky and smothered their vision.

Lin Sanjiu didn't make any comment.

She felt as though there was a large invisible hand squeezing her body. No matter how hard she tried to breathe in, all she got into her windpipe was sand, but that wasn't the worst of it; the scariest thing was that the majority of the duoluozhong behind them had an Evolving Ability.