
"Anybody? Go and check whether the two women over there are still breathing or not."

After they blocked the entrance, the group of duoluozhong began to search the underground shrine. They tore the entire space down yet nobody saw any sign of their two soon-to-be comrades. Warden remained standing still. It gave its order, and a duoluozhong dawdled to his side and kicked the woman that laid lifelessly on the ground.

"She is dead," unlike its confrère, the sound of this duoluozhong was soft and melodious. Its voice was coming out directly from its arctic-white head that deprived of any facial features, "No, wait, it seems that this one…"

Although one of the pregnant women had survived the stabs, she looked like a person with her one foot in the grave. The duoluozhong lifted her by grabbing her already weakened neck, without minding on the strength it used. 


As a result, it crushed her throat.