Life Is A Joke

Lin Sanjiu was startled. She put up her [Defense Forcefield] and stepped back as she fired her Higher Consciousness at the oncoming shadow, but the shadow in the dark grinned and effortlessly parried her attack by enacting some sort of barrier around her while scoffing something under her breath. Lin Sanjiu felt a pang of intense pain in her brain as if somebody had plunged her head into a pool of freezing water.

She withdrew her Higher Consciousness, crying out loud as she shouted the name of the shadow, "Bohemia!"

"Yo," the shadow stopped and kept away her Higher Consciousness. She stepped out from the dark and the dusky moon fell upon her, striking her golden blonde ringlets and turning them into a glowing halo.

With a broad grin on her face, she panted, "Well, I suppose my Potential Growth Value must have made quite an impression."