The Wrong Has Been Righted And A Masochist

The concourse returned to how it used to be once the grapple ended. The ground which had been punctured by the plants became flat and smooth again. Right now, Bohemia paced back and forth barefoot on it. The turquoise anklet jingled, releasing a soothing chime into the air.

Lin Sanjiu had no idea how to stand up. She looked miserable, like a gutted swine. Although she did not feel any pain at all since it was she who separated her Higher Consciousness form herself, she could not balance herself with her attenuated feet. All she could do now was lie on the ground and stare vacantly at Bohemia.

The blonde's face was livid. Gone was the charming, seductive mien. She continued to walk back and forth with her arms folded across her chest and took quite some time to contain her anger. She stomped towards Lin Sanjiu and squatted down in front of her. Her satiny and large blouse dangled loosely on the ground, looking like a tent.