The Person Who Grants Wishes

Startled, Lin Sanjiu fought back. She tried to wrest her arm from the grip. The katana she took from the samurai had vanished along with the disappearance of the movie. In desperation, she pulled with all her might to free herself from the deadly grip in the dark.

However, she was surprised to find the hand in the dark was light as if it did not possess any weight at all. She did not receive any resistance from the hand and almost fell to the ground, but the hand remained holding onto her firmly. 

Lin Sanjiu had pins and needles all over her scalp. It was this moment she heard Bohemia suddenly said, "Who's there?" followed by her scream, "Stop scaring me, bastard Lin! And let go of my hand!"

"It wasn't me!" Understanding dawned upon Lin Sanjiu. She said hastily, "There are other people in the dark!"