Fallen For The Second Time

Lin Sanjiu dropped to the ground with a plop.

His left iris was already gone, replaced by crushed grey gravel that stabbed right into his left eye. Every time he blinked his eyes, the gravel would scrape the inner membrane of his eyelid, causing a susurration that would make Lin Sanjiu's skin prickle into gooseflesh. But the good thing was, he did not blink his eyes very often.

"What… What are you?"

It was merely a few words, but Lin Sanjiu needed more than enough time to finish it. Half of it was because of bewilderment, and the other half was because of her injuries.

But the elder brother couldn't answer her.

Aside from his eyes, the rest of his body was dead. Even after Lin Sanjiu had repositioned his head back to its original position, it merely turned him from a dead man into a man in a vegetative state.