Another Pile Of Idols

After spending some more time together, Lin Sanjiu realized that Jujube, the brown lipped god, was having a bad life.

Unlike other gods, he had no territory and no duoluozhong to serve him. He did, however, have a pile of idols that he refused to tell Lin Sanjiu the location of, but Lin Sanjiu surmised that the amount must not be that great, given his size. Generally, eight out of the ten ambushes he attempted on other gods would fail miserably while the remaining two ambushes would enrage his targets and have him be hunted by them instead.

Just when Jujube felt that he should change his strategy and capture an "Inhuman" to carve him some idols, he realized with great jubilation that this particular Inhuman he'd captured showed to have an incredible ability. With that, Jujube was even more eager to have Lin Sanjiu work under his wings.