Alert! Dragon Ahead!

'Peppy Lil's Sesame has arrived in Salvation of God?'

The tanned-skin man was the only posthuman she had come across after so many months. Could it be that he was Peppy Lil's Sesame?

The sudden arrival of Peppy Lil's Sesame threw Lin Sanjiu's mind into chaos. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about the possibility of the tanned-skin posthuman being Peppy Lil's Sesame and why he was here. She swore that she had never met Peppy Lil's Sesame in her entire life, much less have any connection with him. She could not understand why he would go to the extent of personally coming to this world to corner her.

Sitting on Sanduria's palm, the man seemed to have not noticed her yet. Seizing the chance, Lin Sanjiu lowered herself and inched towards Jujube's back, taking cover behind his large trapezius muscle.