A Nudist And A Free Spirit

The grass swayed along with the gentle breeze that blew across the land. It looked serene, yet at the same time, it felt solitude.

Both Puppeteer and Sanduria were gone. No matter how hard Lin Sanjiu pierced them with her searing stare, they both disappeared into the white mist in the blink of an eye. The grassy plain was empty and boundless. She could even see the vague undulating shapes of mountain ranges far in the horizon.

Sitting on the grass, Lin Sanjiu extended one of her legs, putting it on the face of the "little girl" to stop her from getting any closer to her. The moment Puppeteer was gone, Soulsqn charged at Lin Sanjiu like a wild galloping horse, startling the latter.

"What do you want?" asked Lin Sanjiu. She felt a sense of enervation welling from her heart, coursing through every nerve ending from her brain to her toe. "He has released you, so leave now. I'm not going to take you along."