Follow After The Footsteps Of Soulsqn

Soulsqn had lost count of how many years she had lived to this day.

For as long as she could remember, she had always been the queen of the Souls. Not only did her ability dwarf the other Souls', but she was also the only one of her kind that had formed gender identity. She was the hope of her species. With her "reality," there were no battles that she could not triumph over. Together, she and her species had overtaken many humans, and there was almost no force that could threaten them...

That was until she met Lin Sanjiu. Then, her smooth-sailing days finally came to an end.

Whenever Soulsqn thought that the worst was over, there would be an even more severe treatment waiting for her ahead. This time, she lost nearly half of her body. She had become so weak that she couldn't break herself free when she was pinned down on the ground, a feat she could have easily achieved when she was in her prime.