One Step Away From Freedom

Puppeteer laughed smugly at Lin Sanjiu's accusation. "You should be grateful that I gave you a chance to fill your stomach." Then, he turned away.

Although Lin Sanjiu had not told Puppeteer that the packet of chips contained air-dried human organs, it seemed to her that he learned that through the Soul of Film Crew. That was the only explanation of why he would describe such a nasty ability to Lin Sanjiu and have her gobble down a mouthful of the potato chip man's leg.

In order not to let his excellent mood be disrupted by Lin Sanjiu's dry heaving, Puppeteer once again shut down the Soul of Film Crew unidirectionally.

He waited at the sideline until the chicken onion-flavored chips stopped quivering. Then, he kicked her down from the shelf again. "Chop-chop and get your job done. There's a lot more to do, and we still need to do a crosscheck later."