The Love Of A Lovely Mother

After settling on a plan using Ji Shanqing's brilliant brain, Lin Sanjiu shut down the mimicry. After her adamant self took the stage once more, she shrugged off every doubt and fear she had and began to make her move.

The correct answer must be inside the mountain of snacks.

Although she was very clear that choosing the shopping list was the correct path, flipping through the mountain of chips one by one was too time-consuming. It would take too long, and she would end up following in Puppeteer's footsteps before she could go through more than half of the chips.

'Well, it's now or never. I've gotta do what I gotta do,' Lin Sanjiu thought to herself. She gathered every ounce of the Higher Consciousness in her body. Then, with a flick of her mind, she discharged the amassed Higher Consciousness into her surroundings.