The Beginning Of Darkness

"Can you take the bandages off already?" asked Yunqian, who sat on a sofa. His elbows rested on his knees while his two hands were clasped firmly in front of him. In such proximity, the president looked even taller. The dependable and robust aura about him was so dense that it made people have a hard time breathing.

"Yeah, the doctor said it's about time," answered the teenager. He raised his hand and ran his fingers across the back of his head, only to be stopped by Yunqian.

"Allow me. It's hard for you to see." As he halted him, he rose to his feet from the couch and cut the bandage behind the teenager's head open.

It was a rare sight to see a tough guy like him having such a soft side. His action was careful and tender as if he was touching a fragile porcelain doll. As the white bandages were unwounded and dropped on the bed, the teenager's face, which was now crawling with scars, was gradually revealed.