The Purpose

On the second floor of the governor's mansion, there was a balcony that directly faced the city square. Whenever there was a conference, succession ceremony, or any activity, the mayor or president would come out of the mansion and enter this balcony to receive the praises of the public and interviews from the press.

It was 10:30 at night. The citizens of Sector 9 should have been in bed, but right now, there was a crescendo of loud sounds coming from the square. The intensity was so high that the balustrade shook.

Yun stood behind the door to the balcony, hiding his presence under the floor curtain. He grabbed the thick curtain as he stared fixedly at the masses below. The moon tonight was full, and the snow-white tiles on the balcony shimmered in the cold moonlight.

Half of the teenager's face shone brightly under the moonlight while the other half hid in the dark shadows. Both sides were bereft of any emotion.