The Veracity Of The Queen Witch

The hall fell silent abruptly as if a television had suddenly been switched off. All of them stood in a trance. Their mouths were agape. Nobody spoke.

If there's a word to describe the atmosphere, that would be "confused".

A bit taken aback by their reaction, Soulsqn lowered her voice and stammered a question, "What, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Why do you just kept silent?"

It was at this moment that Lin Sanjiu regained her senses.

She moved away from her grand prize. She thought she would hit the barrier, but unbeknownst to her, Puppeteer had switched the barrier off, so she went straight out of it. Ji Shanqing became perturbed when he saw that Lin Sanjiu had abandoned him. He shouted, "Sis!" and went after her.

However, he slammed into an invisible object face first when he took a step forward. After Lin Sanjiu was released, another barrier had been enacted to separate the grand prize from them.