
The Veda should have already come out to the hall and scouted the area when Lin Sanjiu faked their escape using Soulsqn's reality. Simultaneously, Lin Sanjiu, Puppeteer, and Soulsqn had been hiding in the Data Stream Library, waiting until the Veda had returned to the Data Stream Library before sneaking into the hall.

Thus, the most crucial problem, for now, was whether the Veda would return to this hall.

If they decided to do so, the situation would take a nosedive, and they would be caught red-handed by the Veda.

Two humans, a worm, and Ji Shanqing, who was still trapped inside the barrier, put their heads together to think of a solution to shatter the predicament. Lin Sanjiu had gone a little overboard when she said that the Veda could not do anything to them. It was false bravado, and she was confident that Sven would be able to see through her lie the moment she exhibited the slightest bit of hesitation.