Come, Spit At Me

Although the Olympics looked even more like a Pocket Dimension than a Pocket Dimension, it was truly an apocalyptic world.

When they reached the wall, Lin Sanjiu could not help but raise her head and gaze at the massive eminence in front of her.

The stone wall towered into the mist. The top edge of the wall was invisible to the eyes unless there was an occasional breeze that chased the mist away. It stretched so far into the horizon that Lin Sanjiu could not see either end. Every 1,000 meters, there would be a door embedded in the wall. Behind the door were countless expressionless faces—the contenders.

It occurred to her that the door would only open for a certain period of time. After 30 minutes passed, the door began to close. During that time, since Lin Sanjiu was pretty close to the wall, she heard somebody yell, "Wait for me!" Then the door slammed shut, killing the voice.