Beyond The Finish Line

Lin Sanjiu was drenched to the bone. There were no dry spots on her body. Right after she limped over the finish line, she gave way to her fatigue and collapsed to the ground with a thud.

She was not the only one who lay on the floor like a corpse. Since everybody was running at a different pace and had scattered out along the running tracks during the game, Lin Sanjiu did not know how many of them had survived. It was only when all the surviving runners congregated in this small and compact area that she realized quite a number of them had managed to pull through the ordeal. Looking ahead, they all looked like a bunch of dead bodies.

The contenders were so exhausted that even the very act of aspiring had become a difficult task for them. There was only sharp and shallow puffing and panting that sounded like the wind hissing through an arrow slit echoing in the air.