Come With Me, I'll Introduce You To Someone Fun

Just as those words echoed, a barefooted figure strode through the door's threshold.

Even before one of his feet touched the floor, Lin Sanjiu felt a gust of wind. Not far from her, two of the corpses that were near the coffins immediately sensed that something was wrong. They turned and ran to one of the side windows of the morgue. Unfortunately, the morgue wasn't an actual wooden building. The two corpses allided with the window frame consecutively. Even though there was nothing visible blocking their way, they were unable to reach out to the window.

In fact, if those two corpses hadn't slammed into that window, Lin Sanjiu wouldn't have realized that the windows were merely decorations.

"My goodness," the person who had just stepped through the door remarked before covering his mouth. "Are both of you hurt? Will this affect your performance in the Olympics later?"