Stealing Food From A Tiger

'What the hell is he trying to say?'

None of them could come up with a response. They all felt like a bombshell had dropped on their world. Of all the people, the one who was most surprised was Maxin. However, not even he could understand why he felt so astounded. Staring ahead in a daze, he did not come around to his senses until he caught a faint clattering sound in the wind. Turning his head, he realized that the strange noise came from Ji Shanqing.

Ji Shanqing's teeth were rattling against each other uncontrollably. Even though he was trying his very best to calm down, his face still turned pale with fright, and his body was shaking so terribly like it was a leaf in a blizzard storm. 

Puppeteer turned his head slowly as he spoke in a low, pleasant voice, "Queen, how long can you hold up against Zeus's attacks?"