Soulsqn, The Benevolent And Kind Queen

Do you really think you are who you are?

Perhaps not even the leechers would expect that they would be troubled by this sentence today. 

The moment the female voice rang out, every "Lin Sanjiu" in the sea wheeled around in unison. They all stared at the woman who claimed to have just unwrapped the grand prize like rabbits caught in the headlights. The wind patted their faces, drying up their tears. Their expressions froze. 

"No, that's not possible!"

The "Lin Sanjiu" in the highest god's hand refuted loudly, "There is no way you are the real Lin Sanjiu! The real Lin Sanjiu would never unwrap the grand prize! We were so close, and—" 

Her accusation reverberated loudly across the sea, but she did not stir up any response from the woman. 

"You have unwrapped him! Now he is gone!" The "Lin Sanjiu" in the highest god's clutches continued to shout. "How can you be the real Lin Sanjiu?"