Lin Sanjiu Endures Hardship To Finish Her Mission

Ever since she became acquainted with Puppeteer, this was the first time Lin Sanjiu felt happy hearing his voice.

After being plagued by Puppeteer for several worlds, she had grown so accustomed to his snarky remarks that they felt like a breeze to her right now. The cable in her hand was pulled taut. It shook vigorously as the hulking mass of flesh struggled for all its worth to free itself from the hook that barbed deep into its flesh. A throbbing pain spread from Lin Sanjiu's fractured palm whenever the monstrosity tried to make any movements.

"Finally! Come, help me!"

Puppeteer sneered coldly.

"Are you giving me an order right now?" There was still a cold attribute to Puppeteer's voice even though his ability had evolved. Just as Lin Sanjiu wanted to say something, the cable in her hand stopped shaking.

Slowly, "Goliath" stopped struggling, and then it just stood there under the white luminance of [Light Moss] like a piece of blackened meat.