A Philanthropist

The world in Lin Sanjiu's eyes was turning, and she could only see stars. 

Lin Sanjiu had no idea what happened but the light beam suddenly constricted, and the next thing she knew, she was being tossed here and there. At this moment, she could not hear anything but Soulsqn's screams. She tried her best to regain her balance but to no avail. There was nothing she could do but get rocked hither and thither like a volleyball in a gunny bag.

It was only now that Lin Sanjiu saw the reason why the Veda did not show themselves. It turned out that all of them had been tricked by the highest god. The white cord was created by him.

When the world in her eyes finally stopped turning, Lin Sanjiu immediately picked herself up and looked around. The light beam was gone. The flesh worm laid spread-eagled by her feet. She reached out to her surroundings, only to realize that there was an unseen cage around, trapping them both inside.