The Airless Arabic City and Ötzi The Iceman

Both of them looked at each other silently for half a second. Then the man clad in a black jacket suddenly tilted his head.

The malice in his face ebbed away like melting ice, his humanesque carnality and emotions disappearing along with it. Even though his facial features didn't change, the same face only showed an empty and vacuous expression.

'Even though Puppeteer has a saturnine personality, he still feels human.' That thought suddenly popped up in Lin Sanjiu's mind.

The 'Puppeteer' in front of her sighed and looked at his own body. Next, he examined the white lightning bolt accessory on Lin Sanjiu's head. "This sudden mission already disrupted my work routine. I didn't expect to work overtime."

He was actually a Veda!

Lin Sanjiu felt her hair stand on its ends. She froze, stricken. For a moment, she didn't know what was worse: facing a coded Puppeteer at his full strength or dealing with a Veda in its original body.