A Comeback

A numbing buzz was spreading across Lin Sanjiu's brain. Her blood turned cold as tumultuous emotions rose from her heart and deprived her tongue of speech. There was a lot of noise. Her blood and her organs were screaming, but her mind was blank. 

She felt like laughing. Logically speaking, both Puppeteer and Soulsqn could not be considered her comrades. Besides spelling trouble, they were also her enemies. Even though their deaths did not bring her delight, she could not fathom why there was a sense of losing clutching at her heart.

"Have you guys shut the database down?"

Although Ji Shanqing was very near her, he sounded far away. He did not have much connection to Puppeteer, so upon hearing his demise, he just gave a slight start and soon regained his usual taciturn self. "You guys should know that it's too late to close the database now, don't you?"

'Is he saying that because he's already gotten the data he wanted?'