The Best Thing In Life Is Counting Money

After ordering Soulsqn to pull the puppet out, Lin Sanjiu placed it next to the heap of whatnots and began examining one of it. 

The puppet was a dark-skinned male posthuman with an unknown origin. His soul had long departed, leaving only his body behind. Without a doubt, he was yet another poor soul whose life had been reaped by Puppeteer to serve as one of his puppets. Right now, since his master had severed their ties, he was merely a corpse. His two dilated gray eyes stared straight into the sky. The sand filled his nostrils, but he remained unmoving. 

"He looks somewhat familiar," Lin Sanjiu mumbled with a frown, "Where have I met him?" 

"There's nothing under the sand dune. Lord Puppeteer is gone," Soulsqn's entire body was caked with sand, and Lin Sanjiu had no idea why but she felt the flesh worm looked much more pleasant in this way. "I'm not an earthworm, why should I…"