A New World, It Is Time To Spend Some Money

How long would it take for one to spend his money after he arrived in a new world?

Although the situation varied for different people, in Lin Sanjiu's case, it was four seconds. Or to be more precise, the money had been spent before she even opened her eyes in the new world. 

"Hey," a husky voice that suggested excessive smoking rang out from a very distant place. Something was prodding at her body, and her consciousness gradually came together again. 

"Oh, finally you are awake," the husky voice urged, "May I ask when did you enter this room?"

Adrenaline pumped through her veins and her body reacted the moment she peeled her eyes open. She flipped herself upright in a swift motion, bashing her head straight into the wall at the back. Her brain went dizzy for a moment from the collision, and she could see stars exploding in her vision.

"What is wrong with you?" the hoary voice asked, slight surprise lacing her tone, "Do you happen to have PTSD?"