The Light And Shadow On The Ceiling

"Under…under the water?" Lin Sanjiu blurted absentmindedly.

The gentle wavelets splashed against the wall of the swimming pool, releasing a soothing tone into Lin Sanjiu's ears. Peering through the floor-to-ceiling window, the sky was dawning, and the night began to roll in. Speckles of light were glowing up one after another from the ground. The air was cool and there were splatters of water here and there on the sparkling marble tiles. 

Leaning on the other side of the pool, the woman dressed in the bright red robe offered Lin Sanjiu a grin, giving her a chance to glimpse at her glowing white teeth. 

"Take off your boots." Her voice was melodious and sounded like the brassy tune of a saxophone that rapped at the ceiling. It was such a pleasure just to listen to her voice.

Slowly, Lin Sanjiu crouched down and took off her boots. Her naked feet stepped on the chilly marble tiles, making her skin break out into gooseflesh.

"Your coat."