The Rescue Team

Woyu only stopped snoring several minutes after he was untied.

He smacked his lips and lowered his head. Then, when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened. The rope which Lin Sanjiu used to constrain him was loosely dangling by his arms, and as he moved, it fell off his body.

From Lin Sanjiu's angle, he seemed stunned.

The telecommunication device was sitting quietly in front of him. It released a faint green glow into the night sky, resembling a glow-worm resting on a leaf. 

"Hmm?" He looked like he still unable to comprehend why he was sitting there alone. He surveyed his surroundings and quietly call out, "Hey...y-you, are you there?"

Lin Sanjiu lay even flatter as she held her breath and observed the man through the shrubs.