If We Fail To Buy A Car, We Can Just Steal One

"Get moving, quickly! Don't just stand there!"

Tunnel turned his head, his sunken cheeks making him look like a skull under the pale rays of the rising sun. 

"It's time to go, Ikkaku!"

Startled, just as Lin Sanjiu was about to raise her head, Ikkaku's neutral face flitted across her mind. As such, she knew she should not show too many expressions. Thus, to prevent this, she kept her head low and spoke levelly. "Yeah, sure. Let's get going."

'They came from The Munitions Factory? Could it be that they are related to Silvan?'

The questions sank into her befuddled mind. She spun her head around and met Woyu's large, beady eyes. He was now grasped by Lollipop by the collar as the latter dragged him forward. When no one was looking, he winked several times at her, his previous trepidation melting away from his face. It seemed that the success of Lin Sanjiu's plan had given him a large boost in confidence.