Revolt And Align

Even though she knew she was running short of time and that she had to go now, Lin Sanjiu still stayed for a while. 

"All the food is issued by Mayor Orlean?" she asked with a frown. "None of you farm or work in the agricultural sector?"

Smith looked like he was quite insulted at Lin Sanjiu's words. He stared at her intently and denied flatly, "Of course not! We have to go and reflect on our thoughts and soul every day in front of the sacred mountain. And after we finish our reflections and get back to our house, it will be filled with all sorts of daily necessities distributed by the town hall. Those things may be bought from outside, but ask yourself this: where can you find a place like Peanut Town that will take care of your entire family, give you food, and provide you shelter for your whole life?"

"It is just like a sty," Lin Sanjiu said, her tone cold, "Or other sorts of livestock farms."