The Song Under The Morning Sun

The sky was getting bluer as the sun gradually crawled up from the horizon. Lin Sanjiu continued to drag Yu Yuan forward, leaving a long trail behind. Her face was cold and bereft of any expression.

She felt as if she had been walking for quite a distance, yet the armory was still very far away, despite looking close. 

Some time had passed after the speaker fell silent, but Lin Sanjiu couldn't be sure how long it had been since the time flow in the dream was rather erratic. There were more faces, wan and ashen-faced, shuffling in the corner and behind the building, while the line of people trailing behind her became longer.

Even though the girl said her rifle had run out of ammo, nobody dared to pounce on her. 

After all, in their current situation where food was scarce and living conditions were just too bad, it was every man for himself. Nobody wanted to be the white mouse for the other, as no one wanted to get the short end of the stick.