Into The Fog

The fog dyed everything it touched in grey. The light from the torchlight could illuminate only a short distance, leaving the area beyond the reach of the light to be swallowed by the thick fog.

Just like ice melting into water, the group that consisted of hundreds of people vanished without a trace after walking into the fog.

Lin Sanjiu looked everywhere and saw nothing but a blurry glimpse of greyishness. The flimsy light from the car could do nothing against the billowing fog. 

The silence continued for a few seconds until it was shattered by Yu Yuan. 

"Since you guys don't want to leave, I will just go first!" His irritation could clearly be seen, although it was shrouded under his tattoos. 

Lin Sanjiu shouted quickly, "Wait, we want to go too!"

However, she paused after blurting that out. Then, she hesitantly continued to say, "But… as he said, there is no sound out there."