Meme’s S.O.S

Lin Sanjiu's voice drowned into the rumbling thick mist and was devoured. She seemed to be hearing some soft noises but could not tell if it was Meme's reply. She glanced over at the ground meat that resembled mashed jelly beside her legs. She did not jump into the mist; instead, she squatted down and picked up a piece of the broken 'tongue'.

Contrary to her expectations, it was not a piece of torn ground meat.

There was a soft layer of a shell surrounding its body, which felt like plastic, resembling a shrimp. The shell tightly contained the purplish-black and sticky meat granule. She held her disgust back and poked her finger inside. To her surprise, when her finger touched the meat granule, it turned into a bubble of slimy meat juice and allowed the tip of her finger to press in, a tiny hiss sounding. [Defense Forcefield] immediately shone, followed by her Higher Consciousness fading away rapidly, which meant [Defense Forcefield] was being corroded.