A Desperate Situation Call For Desperate Measures

Without a head, it was difficult to associate the thin body to a human. Even though it walked away on its legs, missing a head, Meme's body seemed to be in the process of adapting to the lighter weight and balance.

Lin Sanjiu watched him go further away and unconsciously rubbed her eyes. She did not know if it was her mistake, but Meme seemed to cross a great distance in the blink of an eye, disappearing beyond the equipment box.

Before she accepted the doubts in her heart, Silvan spoke, "The hippocampus doesn't just regulate memories, but also helps us position ourselves and recognize directions. Are you starting to have spatial illusions?"

Lin Sanjiu did not mention the hippocampus in the tape recording, so Silvan must have come up with the result after grasping the situation.